

The company REISSWOLF likvidace dokumentů a dat, s.r.o. (document and data disposal) started its operation in the Czech Republic in 1996, and it has provided quality services to its customers since then. High safety standards are the basis of our operation. Significant milestones in the life of our company then certainly include development of a new plant in Kralupy nad Vltavou.

This plant belongs today among the most sophisticated plants in Europe. All company’s activities are performed with a gentle approach to the environment, in particular with an option to secondary raw material use. The quality of the services provided is also indicated by certificates obtained from the National Security Office, and also the certificate ISO 9001 granted to the company in August 2005.
Under the Act no. 412/2005 Coll., on the protection of classified information and security competence, a Certificate was issued to REISSWOLF likvidace dokumentů a dat, s.r.o. in Kralupy nad Vltavou, and employees received a Certificate of security competence.

The National Security Office has issued the CERTIFICATE no. 000286 to REISSWOLF likvidace dokumentů a dat, s.r.o., under § 121 of the Act no. 412/2005 Coll., on the protection of classified information and security competence.
A comprehensive system of services in the destruction of documents and data carriers.
  • Individual offer preparation
  • Disposal of documents and data storage media in a large-capacity crusher, incl. the option to dispose classified matters up to the “confidential” degree of classification
  • Disposal of documents and data storage media in a pug mill, possibility to dispose classified matters up to the “classified” degree of classification
  • Transport within the whole Czech Republic
  • Loading at the customer
  • Option to use special safety containers
  • Employees examined by National Security Office
  • Issuing certificate of the disposal and ecological waste management
  • Archiving, filing services
REISSWOLF in Czech republic
By its structure of employees of all age categories, the company is capable of continuous development, improvement of customer services, while offering professional conduct at the highest level.
The company REISSWOLF has more than 20 years of experiences, 65 partners all over the world and more than 76.000 customers and 2,3 millions users.
Our Wolves
The REISSWOLF logo itself is formed by wolf head silhouette and the word WOLF in the company title is also obvious.
Adoption papers

REISSWOLF likvidace dokumentů a dat, s.r.o.
U Dýhárny 1162
278 01 Kralupy nad Vltavou

(+420) 315 722 821
(+420) 773 01 02 03


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O společnosti

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Skartace dat

Bezpečnostní nádoby

Likvidace dat


Cyklus skartace dat

Archivace dat

Digitalizace dat






ČSN EN ISO 14001

ČSN EN ISO 27001

NBÚ certifikáty





Zelená firma
© 2022 REISSWOLF likvidace dokumentů a dat s.r.o. All Rights Reserved, Developed by 5Q
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+420 773 01 02 03
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