
By its structure of employees of all age categories, the company is capable of continuous development, improvement of customer services, while offering professional conduct at the highest level.

REISSWOLF is a company that has established itself excellently on the European market in the area of archiving and safe disposal of documents and data. Each individual in the team is important, therefore stress is laid also on the overall communication and setting clear objectives.


Problems are never sold by individuals, but they are shared with others who can help suggest particular solutions. Cooperation is the key to success and the management of REISSWOLF company is aware of this fact. Therefore also international meetings of REISSWOLF employees are held to gain experience from the whole Europe.

REISSWOLF likvidace dokumentů a dat, s.r.o.
U Dýhárny 1162
278 01 Kralupy nad Vltavou
(+420) 315 722 821
(+420) 773 01 02 03


Ochrana osobních údajů

Nastavení cookies

O společnosti

Naši vlci


Odkazy na instituce

RW ve světě



Skartace dat

Bezpečnostní nádoby

Likvidace dat


Cyklus skartace dat

Archivace dat

Digitalizace dat






ČSN EN ISO 14001

ČSN EN ISO 27001

NBÚ certifikáty





Zelená firma
© 2022 REISSWOLF likvidace dokumentů a dat s.r.o. All Rights Reserved, Developed by 5Q
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+420 773 01 02 03
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